Pregnancy & Beyond
The isolation new mothers experience can be challenging to overcome. Pregnancy & Beyond is a free monthly group for pregnant women and new mothers to come together to learn and create community.
Pregnancy & Beyond is accessible and inclusive. All mothers are welcome if they feel they need support and want to join the program.
This group supports women and children in Airdrie, Crossfield, Beiseker, Irricana and surrounding areas. Pregnancy & Beyond fosters healthy child development, teaches postpartum coping skills and creates social supports to educate and empower mothers in our communities to increase quality of life for mother and child.

Expectant moms, new moms and their babies meet to:
Build friendships
Access information on parenting
Learn nutrition information and how to cook healthy, affordable meals
Make connections to resources in the community
At this group mothers get access to:
Public Health Nurse
Community Support Worker
Free child care during the sessions